Friday, May 2, 2014


May.The thirst of summer. Everyone dreams of a respite. It begins now a very intense time of the current year: the end of school, final or preeliminary exams and planning the upcoming holidays. A lot is happening and there is so little time. 

Fortunately the weather is nice. The point is to think positive and take everything with a pinch of salt. 
The only thing I dream of is a short trip with my friends. Canoes, the mountains or the lake, and above all... sailing! Sailing holidays are wonderful! Who will try once and enjoys survival will fall in love for life. 
I love to actively spend my time and I’m think that my dream will soon come true. That's what drives me to action. 

I suggest you turn on your favorite piece of music and cut yourselves off a little from all the hustle and bustle. Some new strenght will come to you instantly.


This is more or less my facial expression- huge grimace. Whatever I do it comes with great difficulty, although the results are surprising! Miraculously everything turns out well. This picture amused me so much that I decided to print it and hang it on the wall in my room. When I look at this giraffe I instantly start to laugh. Endorphins arrive and all is easier.

So I decided to go to the zoo and I must do this in may. All the time it is just school, extra curricular activities and then return home to do homework. It doesn’t mean that there is no rest at all.Yet it usually looks like this, that I sit in an armchair and I cut myself off for a few minutes. Sometimes I go to see an exhibition or listen some interesting lecture, but I’m still missing something.

So do not forget about the right amount of rest while racing to the goal you want to achieve!  

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Recently, by chance, I came across the TV series "Sherlock".
I’m surprised that only now, as already three seasons were published, I start watching it.
The action isn’t very surprising
There are many interesting TV series and crime movies offering a good show and a great story. However, I must admit that I was charmed by the cast. In my opinion, each character is wonderfully developed. The relationship between Sherlock and John Wattson is very intriguing. Their every encounter surprises.
Unfortunately, for the next season you have to wait two years. I'm already dying of curiosity.
This TV series really encourages to do something, to watch and think about different phenomena of the world.
I truly recommend to see it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Good luck!

I must admit that I can not sit still anymore! I love to rest at home, in my city, but to feel alive I need to travel! I have many things to do so I can’t find even one free weekend to break away. 

I envy all those who feel freedom and can get up, decide to do something and do it right away. I have a great desire for a trip- the weather is tempting to hop on a boat, sail with friends and simply relax. Freedom is what I want now! Freedom!

The quote by Mariusz Kruk says « freedom is a concept of slaves ».  All the obligations we have chosen by compulsion and from the desire can overwhelm us so much, that we forget our original motivation. We don’t derive satisfaction from what we do, we only check off another goal on the list. 
It happens to everyone. Just do not try to live in the future saying "let’s just make it to Friday" because a lot of things may slip through your fingers ...
Good luck in your life!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Museum of modern art

In fact I’m writing, because yesterday was sunny day, 
but today the weather is not very enjoyable- day is gloomy 
and the sky is cloudy, without the sun… 
I need some color !!

I’m studying French Philology, but in the future I would like to be an architect, so I’m doing everything I can to get into University of Arts. That’s why my brain now looks like the right side of the one in the picture ;) I’m painting 
and drawing all the time!
Maybe you guys will also draw something today?:)

In relation with my plans connected with art I was in Łódź 
last month. I visited the city and Muzeum Sztuki witch is one of the oldest museums of modern art in the world. 

I saw a few exhibitions, among others "Neoplastic Room. Open Composition" and the exhibition of Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin 
"Facts, Incidents, Accidents, Cirumstances, Sittuations."
Especially this exposition was unusual. Alptekin is an artist, writer, art critic, educator and initiator of collective artistic actions! He studied aesthetics, philosophy and sociology! Wow…

Coming out of the exhibition room one becomes 
aware of non-recurrency of life events and how the time is fast running through our fingers. One moment and you know that this day will never happen again...

It was very interesting experience.

Friday, March 21, 2014


First Day of Spring! I hope that from now on it will always be sunny :) 

Today, in the morning, I watched a tv show. Anchormen said that supposedly many people do checklists on the First Day of Spring and on New Year's Eve. A checklist? Everyone is writing their future plans, dreams and desires. 

Today is the day when we can do this- a big checklist, 
which will help us properly welcome these sunny days 
and remind us of the things that make our lives meaningful.
Let’s take a pen and piece of paper and start writing!

It instantly brings to mind the project of Candy Chang- "Before I Die I want to…".
Candy Chang wanted to know what was important for the people around her. So after receiving permission, she painted the side of an abandoned house in her neighborhood in New Orleans with chalkboard paint and stenciled it with a grid of the sentence "Before I die I want to _______." Anyone walking by could pick up a piece of chalk, and share their personal aspirations in public space :) 
She created this project  and now, thanks to passionate people around the world, over 450 "Before I Die walls" have been created in 30 languages and over 65 countries! 

So, maybe you will be a part of it? 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Youth Film Festival -18

Good morning everyone !

« Today is a good day !! » I like saying this, when I’m starting a new day. Guys, wake up and do something special for another person!  You can start with one smile towards a stranger ;)
It could be a good idea... I’ll do this also.

I must admit that I don’t have enough time for anything, even for studies. I’m always busy, it’s true! Currently I organize a film festival with my friends. 

As young and keen to work students we are organizing already the 5th edition
of Youth Film Festival -18.

The event is divided into two parts. It includes the day of competition to which any ambitious and creative filmmaker, who has not yet turned 18 can send his short film, and the day of workshops in various fields of film.

If you’re creative and interested in films, I invite you to participate in our FFM -18.

Feel free to visit the website: